
Sunday, October 31, 2010

Who you gonna call...GHOSTBUSTERS!

What is the perfect way to celebrate the Halloween Weekend? 
With Dan Aykroyd and Ghostbusters

Carl finally got a day off work so that we could spend the whole day together. Well, actually he got the day off so he could spend it celebrating Ghostbuster style...but I was with him so that counts right?

We started with a good sleep in until almost 10! We didn't even wake up when the gardeners came and blew leaves at their usually 8:30 AM! After a quick breakfast we headed out to meet our friends Steven and Taylor. From their house we drove to the local Costco store where our Ghostbusting adventure began. 

Dan Aykroyd made an appearance there for an autograph signing to promote his new Vodka called Crystal Head. 
Here we are goofing around in line for over an hour in Costco! We showed up at 12:30 and were lucky enough to be about 20th in line! Good thing we showed up early because by the time Dan Aykroyd arrived for the 2 PM signing the line had grown into the hundreds and wrapped around to the back of the store. 
The regular Costco customers were a little alarmed when this man in a hat and sun glasses started happily yelling greetings  into the crowd...if they had paid attention they would have realized it was Dan Aykroyd!

A few minutes after arrival it was our turn! They were so organized there. 

I shook his hand too, but I had the camera so I didn't get a photo of that. He was really nice and  friendly and it as well worth the wait in line. We also got an autographed Crystal Head Vodka...and we're not big drinkers so it will last awhile. 

Outside the Costco a team of ghostbusters had pulled up in the unofficial ECTO-1

Our friend Steven actually got to try on one of their Proton Packs. After talking to the owners of the car for 30+ minutes about everything related to Ghostbusters, I declared that  my husband and Steven officially became NERDS!

Our next stop was to get a bite to eat. Unfortunately that part of the day was not as good as we had hoped. We planned on Italian food and ended up eating diner food and it was bad diner food at best. Yuck!
After that we ventured down to the local subway station and I took my first subway ride ever! I'm not sure if it was the bad diner food or the motion of the subway cars, but I was not feeling to hot. Thankfully it only took 10 minutes and  we arrived at our destination, Hollywood Boulevard!

Again, we arrived SUPER early to buy tickets to the movie Ghostbusters. We thought there would be a line but when we showed up the theater was closed, curtains drawn, and there wasn't a soul in sight. Finally other people started to show up too and they opened the ticket window at 6 PM for the 7:30 showing. 
This wasn't just any showing of Ghostbusters, they were going to be playing an original 75 mm print! That is rare!

Once our tickets were in hand we walked down Hollywood Blvd...which I would not advise doing on the night before Halloween. It's a busy street anyway, but add half naked woman in provocative costumes to the typical crowd and it was packed. We had a mission though...we were headed to Beard Papa's for their famous creme puffs!

Fresh filled in front of you! 
 They were delicious!

We headed back to the theater after our creme puffs to secure ourselves some good seats for the movie. 

They say that the Egyptian Theater is haunted....
...but I ain't afraid of no ghosts! 
(It's a line from the movie)

We sat up in the balcony.  It was a beautiful theater...they don't make them like this anymore. 

It was almost a full house! We had to laugh when we looked over the balcony and all we saw was a sea of cell phones! At least everyone turned them off before the movie. 

And what a better ending to the night than to see the ECTO-1 parked outside the theater after the movie!

I hope you all had a fun and safe Halloween!

Laundry Matt Etiquette Pop Quiz

I have not owned a washer and dryer for over 2 years. I am okay with this. I prefer to go to the Laundry Matt every other week and do all of it at once. It has also forced me to wear more from my closet since I can't just 'wash and wear' anymore. My husband and I have stocked up on underwear to last a month each just in case I get lazy and don't feel like doing laundry. I am also  not opposed to wearing the same article of clothing more than once if I  haven't spilled (insert food item here) on it.

However, I do seem to see the same behaviors from Laundry Matt patrons during each visit and I thought I'd share a little pop quiz with you to see if you follow (or would follow) the same Laundry Matt Etiquette as I follow. **LM stands for Laundry Matt**

1.) Which day of the week is the LM typically the busiest?
     a.) Friday
     b.) Saturday
     c.) Sunday
     d.) Monday

2.) If you and another patron arrive at the same time but there are
     limited washers available you should:
     a.) Rush in and put  all your clothes in first
     b.) Use profanity loudly and then leave with out doing your laundry
     c.) Ask the other patron is they want to combine their laundry with yours
     d.) Start by putting 1 or 2 loads in and then wait for others to become
          available leaving some open for the other patron

3.) True or False: It is OK to leave your clothes in a  washer/ dryer unattended.

4.) If a washer/ dryer isn't working you should:
    a.) kick it
    b.) Put a "Out of Order" sign on it
    c.) sit back and watch other dummies try and use it

5.) True or False: If someone has left their clothes unattended you have universal  rights to take their  stuff out and put your own in.

6.) True or False:  If there are multiple patrons waiting for dryers you should try to consolidate your loads to free up dryers for others.

7.) True or False: You should hog the carts provided by the LM and watch other people struggle to carry their clothes from one end of the room to the other by the armful.

8.) True or False: You should leave your old dryer sheets in the dryer for the next person.

9.) True or False: If you spill something like detergent, you should leave it for someone else to slip on or put their hand in on accident.

10.) True or False: The 3 second rule applies to clothing you drop on the LM floor EXCEPT if you drop underwear crotch side down.

BONUS QUESTION: True or False: If you are germ-a-phobic you should use public Laundry Matts because no one ever does anything gross or disgusting in there.


1.)  Yes, Sunday is typically the busiest day at the LM. There is no good time's busy all day.

2.) The answer is d.) Start with 1 or 2 loads and then wait for others to become available leaving some open for the other patron.  I have seen people do A and B...but I just made up C, I think I would throw up if I witnessed that. I also have asked other patrons entering at the same time as me how many washers they need...I'm not afraid to talk to people, and they seem to appreciate my courtesy.

3.) True- but I wouldn't advise it. Not only are you leaving your clothes open for theft, but if you don't return by the time they are done you  will likely piss off the people who are waiting on your machines.

4.) The answer is b.) put an 'Out of Order" sign on it. Or, if they don't have signs available, stand by and advise people that it is broken before they attempt to use it. However, if you tell someone it's  broken and then they insist on "trying it" anyway-then you have permission to laugh.

5.) FALSE- Under no circumstances should you ever touch someone else's clothes.

6.) TRUE- I always try and combine loads of laundry when drying when people are waiting, it's just the polite thing to do. I even think maybe others will follow my lead after seeing me do it...but they often don't.

7.) FALSE- the carts are not intended as your purse hanger or laundry bag holder! Use them as needed and then share!

8.) FALSE- if you put it in the dryer-you should take it out of the dryer.

9.) FALSE- You spill it, you clean it.

10.) I will leave this one up to you. I don't care about a shirt sleeve, sock, or a pant leg hitting the floor...but if the undies touch the floor, they go back into the dirty laundry pile. Thankfully I have enough to last a month.

BONUS QUESTION: Nope, germ-a-phobic people should probably not use the laundry matt. If you freak out about shopping cart handles, door knobs, salad bar utensils, or other germ carrying sites then you probably shouldn't use the public laundry matt. I watched a women none night take FOREVER doing her laundry because she cleaned the washer then dried the washer then  put her clothes in and made sure it didn't touch the sides and then used a paper toweled hand to touch every can you live like that? I get germs sneezed and coughed on me all day, the last thing I'm worried about is a dryer handle!

Hope you enjoyed the comedy that is my daily life! Until next time, thanks for reading!


Fellow Blogger to be Featured in Cloth, Paper, Scissors! Win your copy early!

Please take a moment to visit Roberta from
and subscribe to her blog for your chance to win one of 3 copies of the 
Winter 2010 Cloth, Paper, Scissors STUDIO's Edition 
which hits newsstands November 10th

Here is a sneak peak...
Her feature starts on page 86!

Roberta started blogging in June 2008 and inspired me to start my own blog here at Living & Loving in California. Roberta shows everyone through photographs and writing how to Live Large in Small Spaces as she takes you on a journey into her 'Love Shack', a small but functional home she shares with her husband in North Carolina. Her dedication to organization and creating beautifully decorated but functional spaces has earned her a feature spread in the upcoming Winter 2010 Cloth, Paper, Scissors STUDIO's edition. 

Roberta is an incredibly creative woman and always finds ways to amaze her readers with inexpensive, easy, inventive,  and classy ways to live.

Please help me congratulate Roberta on her first published piece by going to Con-tin-it and subscribing to her blog. No matter what your interests, you will find something there that suits your life style and needs. By subscribing you will also be entered for the chance to win one of 3 copies of STUDIO's shown above which retails for $14.95. 

Remember to also sign up for my $45 CSN Store Giveaway going on now! 

Thank you again for stopping by and I hope you all have a Happy and Safe Halloween!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Fall Finding Cigar Box Swap- Reveal Party

The Bloggerette Sorority Sisters, hosted by Karen at Some Days are Diamonds,  got to participate in their first swap with each other this month. The mission was to find an old cigar box, decorate it, and fill it with fall findings, all based on your swap partners interests. I was lucky enough to have gotten to participate with to lovely Sorority Sisters for the swap which meant I made 2 boxes and received 2 boxes. So for me it was double the fun!

My first swap partner was the amazing hostess 
Look at all the goodies she found me! Here is a closer look a some of my favorites. 
Beautiful buttons! I'm knitting new scarves and I told her I  was looking  for buttons to embellish them with. These are perfect! I love the purple one. 
This Halloween ornament makes me want to start putting  up a Halloween Tree. 
I had a good chuckle when I opened the box and saw this cute owl pin because I sent her an owl pin too!
Some of my favorite items included these vintage photo's and the Halloween cards. They will be perfect for future projects!

Thank you so much Karen! Not only did you hit the nail on the head with all the goodies, but you incorporated my favorite colors, purple and green.  You are so creative and I love the box and how you decorated it, I have to find the perfect place for it now! 

My second partner is the lovely 
Diana added  a lot of handmade touches to the goodies which made it super special and personal. 
Here are some of my favorite items.  

Cute little witch pin! 
I love this little apple! I use to have a rubber stamp that had this phrase on it, but I lost it in the move.
Personalized candy wrappers, how cute is that?
Diana made me 2 fabric covered book marks  which I desperately needed. I tend to just fold the pages when I'm reading which I shouldn't do, so these will work perfect for me!
I love vintage pin-up girl art and she found me these lovely ones! My favorite is the black and white one with the cat shadow!

But my FAVORITE item that she got me was this beautiful necklace!
It's bowling! It's made on the back of an old scrabble tile and has a silver chain. I LOVE IT! I'm going to wear it to my bowling league next week and see if it brings me luck!

Thank you so much Diana, you really put a lot of time and effort into finding items that are "me". 

If you'd like  to see what I sent to my swap partners go check them out at  

A big Thank You again to Karen for hosting this Fall Findings Cigar Box  Swap. 
You can check out all the Sisters by visiting Karen's blog too!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Think About It Thursday

Think About It Thursdays is a weekly meme hosted by Rachel from 1001 Books. Each week she'll post a bookish  related question and challenges her followers to 'Think About It'  and answer if we can. This weeks question was inspire by Roberta at Con-tain-it and it is: 

What are your favorite 'scary' books or stories? 

Scary Stories Boxed Set
About a year ago Carl found a deal on the series of books called Scary Stories. I remember reading them when I was younger, but have found myself picking up the little books again here and there and to my surprise some of the stories still creep me out.

I also use to like the Fear Street series by R.L. Stine but I haven't  picked one of those up since high school. I haven't actually read any scary books in recent years. I often find myself reading a book when I'm home alone and I have a pretty active imagination so I creep myself out.

What are your favorite Scary books or stories? Head on over to 1001 Book to read more answers....they are probably a little more sophisticated than mine.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The Four B's of Teaching

Bunions- I am blaming my ever expanding bunions on teaching. I stand, walk, and sometimes run for up to 8 hours a day and no matter how comfortable my shoes are when I put them  on in the morning I have to practically use the jaws of life to get my feet out of them at the end of the day. My right foot is approximately 1/4 inch wider than my right foot. My left foot is about 1/4 inch longer than my right foot. Do you know what how HUGE my size 11 feet look imagine putting on shoes and it's hard to not to look like I am about to go skiing.

Bruises- It's like Christmas every time I come home and take off my clothes. I "unwrap" myself and find all kinds of interesting bruises. The fun part is trying to figure out how I managed to get's like Santa stopped by and left them with out even being seen or heard!

Belly- It looks like I have swallowed a watermelon...or maybe a  baby. But I'll tell you right now, the only  "baby" in me right now is a food baby. I look like a child from a small 3rd World Country who is starving and then eats a grain of rice and literally expands to twice their size! I can not eat during the school day. I have a million excuses as to why I can't eat during the school day but I will not bore you with them here. Just know that I don't eat from 6:30 AM until 3:30PM. Then when the clock strikes 3:30 I eat like a mad woman and then puff up like a blow fish.

Buttocks-I was playing with the kids at recess today and I got a little too ambitious while riding a super tricycle while one of my students clung to my neck and shoulders. I attempted  to go up a small incline at which point the student jumped off the back of the tricycle but continued to hold onto my shoulders. This resulted in me flipping the bike over backwards onto myself while scrapping my buttocks across the pavement. I now have a bum covered in road rash. Ouch! Note to self: do not wear leggings to school...OR don't try to go up an incline while riding a tricycle carrying a  student.

Even with all my injuries and aches I still LOVE teaching!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

My 100th Post and a Super CSN Store Giveaway!

Wow! One hundred crept up on me pretty fast! I am so grateful to my faithful followers who have stuck by me through my first 100 posts. I hope you hang around for my next 100! As a 'Thank You' I have been given the opportunity to host a giveaway by the amazing people at CSN Stores. CSN Stores  have over 200 online stores that feature everything from school supplies, toys, games, cookware, shoes, bar furniture, home decor, purses...should I continue or do you get the picture? They have almost everything.

I was introduced to this awesome online shopping mall back in July of this year when I won a $100 Giveaway to CSN Stores hosted by Amy of Passages to the Past. I used every penny of my gift card to buy classroom supplies. You can see how I used my winnings by reading My Classroom, Part 2.

So, now it's your turn. In celebration of my 100th post, 59 followers, and 539 comments, I am hosting a $45 CSN Store Giveaway!

What can $45 buy you at CSN Stores...let me show you. 

Just in time for Thanksgiving...the Trimmer Gourmet Chef Oval Turkey Roaster for only $25.00

Or maybe for my garden followers, a lovely Whitehall Products Dragonfly Sundial for $41.99

Perhaps with the cooler weather you'd like a new cozy blanket like this WovenWorkz Blanket for $35.00

And since Christmas is right around the corner (60 days to be exact) you could check out their new Ultimate Gift Finder section!

Now for the most important to win the $45 CSN Store Giveaway!
(Please leave me 1 comment per entry)

Entry #1- You must be a follower. 
Entry #2- Go check out any of the CSN Stores and leave me a link to a product(s) you'd like to buy. 
Entry #3- Grab the Giveaway picture above and link it  up on your sidebar
Entry #4- Write a blog post about the giveaway with a link back to me. 

As my  family always says....You can't win if you don't  play! I will use a random number generator to draw the winner on Wednesday, November 10th! 

Thank you again to all my long time followers and my new ones. You all make my day! I did notice today that one  of my followers has decided to drop me and it made me sad...and then I thought, "Oh well...they are just going to miss out on this AWESOME giveaway opportunity"! 

Monday, October 25, 2010

Conventional Products, Unconventional Uses

Something happened at work today which placed me in a position to use a conventional product in an unconventional way. I will not  go into details (because it still makes my stomach turn) but I will tell you that it involved a power outage at school which resulted in no lights, no A/C ventilation, and no running water.

This "incident" has inspired me to go through the Rolodex that is in my head and review some of the products that I have been forced to use in unconventional ways. For example, you may remember this  photo from an installment of His & Her  Dinner I wrote back in August. 

My husband using a hair dryer to defrost his dinner rolls because we don't own a microwave. 
He also uses the hair dryer to trigger the A/C to come on because it's set and locked and we can't change it. 

I also admit to using an adult diaper to clean up a water spill at school because I couldn't get a hold of the maintenance department, a towel, a mop, or paper towels. 

I once saw someone use a tampon to stop a nose bleed. 

I've used my shoes as fly swatters. 

I've attempted (attempted being the operative word here) to use tin foil in place of a cookie sheet to bake on. 

The obvious clear nail polish to stop a run in nylons. 

A bathing suit  that also serves as underwear when you run out  of clean ones. 

Baby butt wipes as nose  plugs when you're in a smelly situation (like today)

The coffee maker as a heat tool to set  embossing powder. 

So, what conventional products have you used in unconventional ways? 

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Our 1st Wedding Anniversary

Carl and I spent Saturday night celebrating our 1st Wedding Anniversary! We call it our eight-one anniversary, because the 27th of October marks 8 years since our first date. I sill remember it like it was yesterday. He picked me up in his mom's car because he had an old Belair and it didn't have seat belts and he wanted me to feel comfortable. After changing clothes 100 times I settled on a pair of tan and red plaid pants which he loved on me...I wish I still had them even though I wouldn't fit in them anymore. We went to the Olive Garden for dinner and  then went to Morris Costumes for their annual Haunted House in Charlotte,NC. It was the first haunted house I'd been to since elementary school. We had a great time and I think I knew I would marry him after that first night. 

We made a tradition of going to a haunted house almost every year after that. It was only fitting that for our honeymoon last year that we went to the ultimate haunted attraction- Universal Studio's Halloween Horror Nights in Florida. It was during our honeymoon that we decided to fast track our move to California. Of course, the only way to celebrate our 1st wedding anniversary was to go to Universal Studio's Halloween Horror Night in California!

We started our evening by eating at Wolf Gang Puck's restaurant located in City Walk at Universal Studio's. We got mushroom soup served mini mugs courtesy of the chef...Carl liked it, but I am not a fan of mushrooms. I    ordered the Chicken Alfredo with pea's and bacon while Carl indulged in a Fillet of Beef served over roasted potato's. We topped it off with Creme Brulee and fresh berries! Yum! 

Once inside the park we headed over to some of the haunted mazes. Our first stop was the Friday the13th house that features dozens of "Jason's" that popped out all over the place and gave me a few good screams!

This was us waiting patiently in line for 50 minutes just to enter one of the mazes.What you can't see are the hundreds of other people that surrounded us. Standing in those lines kind of feels like a cattle call...but it was worth it. We did a lot of talking during our waits which is always nice. 

It was almost a full moon that night- creepy!

Carl was most excited to see the Psycho house located on Universal's back lot tour. He was going to be happy just to ride the Terror Tram past it, but then it stopped and the gates opened and we actually got to get of the tram and walk through the haunted woods and right up close to the actual  house! He was like a kid in a candy store!
We were getting a little sleepy waiting in the lines. The 3D glasses were intended for the Rob Zombie maze, but at midnight we were too tired to stay in line any longer so we snapped a picture with our glasses on and hopped out  of line to head home. 

We got really goofy on the way out of the park  and decided to take a few more photo's with some of the props. Carl  enjoyed the sexy Freddy girl the most...I told him not to get any idea's because I am NOT dressing up like that for Halloween!

Thank you for stopping by and sharing our special night with us. Thank you to my aunt, Roberta of Con-tain-it, for introducing me to Picasa to create these collages. I will be participating and linking to Mary at Little Red House Mosaic Monday for the first time! I am looking forward to creating more collages now! What do you think of my first attempt?