
Friday, July 2, 2010

I'm a Winner!

A big THANK YOU to


How lucky am I? I woke up this morning and while drinking my coffee and checking my e-mail I discovered that I have won a $100 gift card to CSN Stores which was a give-a-way hosted by Amy at Passages to the Past!

Being the giant nerd that I am, I immediately went to the CSN Store website and started browsing. I was pleasantly surprised to find that they have a section for school supplies. Since I am a teacher and love my kids (students) to death, I of course started looking for things to aid in the classroom. There aren't any teacher stores, like Education Express, in my area and I had been looking for pocket charts for my classroom to help keep us organized. Well, I found them at CSN Stores and they are sooo inexpensive that I can get a few pocket charts AND still have some $ left over for shoes! YES! I'm so excited I can hardly contain myself!

Make sure you check out the other great give-a-ways at Passages to the Past!

Murder Most Royal: The Story of Anne Boleyn and Catherine Howard

Thank You!


  1. Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy - Congratulations!!!

  2. Ha! Ha! You cannot "contain" that! Can't wait to see what you choose...nothing beats hearing "Winner, Winner, Chicken Dinner!"'s like Vegas baby ;)


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