
Friday, May 20, 2011

Late Night or Early Morning?

I'm not sure what these little guys (and their huge mother) were doing out at this hour of the morning but it was so darn cute I had to grab the camera. 

Mom climbed up on the fence first and then the little ones got stuck and could reach. 

Although furry and little, I kept my distance since their mom was screeching the whole time. 


  1. They can be pretty destructive. It's probably a good thing to keep your distance. They are so cute though.

  2. Stay far..far..away from racoons...mother will attack and they have sharp claws and teeth !!! They may be cute looking but they are desructive

  3. LOl too cute - but yes, don't make friends or even try - they carry rabies! They are nocturnal animals, guess they must have missed their curfew! LOL Don't leave trash out - they can get into ANYTHING - they are super smart! :) Love you!

  4. Oh's not nice to piss off Mama! They are cute though ;)

  5. I still think they're way cute, even with all their dangers. Good pics.

  6. Love raccoons! But probably good that you kept your distance ;)


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