Monday, June 21, 2010

'His and Her' Dinner #2

I really enjoyed writing (and getting comments on) 'His and Her' Dinner so much last week that I have decided to make it a weekly feature! I even made a cute little logo for it. I sat down and wrote a list of foods that Carl and I like to eat but that we prefer to be prepared different ways and there are more than I expected!

So, the other night when I was making a grocery list and menu for the week I added Pancakes to the list. Carl likes thin crepe like pancakes with sugar and lemon. I'll eat them, but they are not my favorite. I love chocolate chip pancakes. When I told Carl the plan for dinner the following conversation occurred:

Carl:  "I like chocolate chip pancakes, I'll just eat those with you"

Me: "No, you can't! You'll mess up my blog. The whole point is that we eat different stuff from the same base ingredient."

Carl: "So, your life revolves around your blog instead of your blog revolving around your life?"

Me: "No."

Carl: "Well then, chocolate chip pancakes it is"

Me: "Just eat them the way you usually do"

Carl: "Nope, chocolate chip it is. Blog about that"


There you have it, no food pictures this week because we ate identical chocolate chip pancakes together! Go figure. Almost 8 years together and NOW he wants to eat the same thing! This wont last for long so look for the next edition of 'His and Her' Dinner next Monday.


  1. Your LOGO is so darn cute! Next time just don't tell DH what you are making
    Can't wait to see your Where Bloggers Creat post ;) You must be in heaven today with the internet back...I'd have big time withdrawals...Kevin says I'm so bad now...I don't text...just BLOG!

  2. Okay, this made me really laugh out loud - so typical! LOL You can still take photos even if it's the same.... he he he! Love the logo as well - very cute!!!
    Must blog and post photos of you with your blankets when Carl's arrives!

  3. LOL too funny! Trust men (and kids) to make a liar out of you!


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