Saturday, October 23, 2010

Pre-weekend Celebration Party for 1

At 3:30 PM on Friday afternoon, after all the kids left, after all my staff left, and after a very long week this is how I celebrated. 

This was my pity party for one...

And just in case you were wondering....I did eat it ALL!


  1. How funny! We all have to have one of those every once in awhile, don't we? Hang in there though, it will get better! Sandi

  2. Nothing wrong with that! :) We all need it once in a while!

  3. My Pity Party would be lots of wine, salty chips, olives and cheese and crackers ;)

  4. I had to have a Dr. Pepper as well on Friday to release the tension. That usually works perfectly for me.

    Also had pizza minus the cake. I instead had chocolate cookies covered in mint frosting. Yum! I guess I had a de-stressing party.

  5. That all looks pretty good to me. Especially the & I have to go on a diet when we get to Florida. He says it won't be bad because up north I feel like I have to bake for the grands. Oh more

  6. I like your pity party. mmm looks good to me. Makes me want cake...right now!

  7. I'm all over that pity party! LOL


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